A native of Mississippi and a graduate of the University of Mississippi Medical School, John Fleming, M.D., currently lives and practices family medicine in Minden, Louisiana. During his medical residency he trained at the drug and alcohol treatment unit at Navy Regional Medical Center, Long Beach, California, which was then a pioneer in chemical dependency treatment. That program influenced his medical practice, and also helped shape the way he and his wife, Cindy, raised their four addiction-free children.

Having implemented the advice and strategies his book provides, Dr. Fleming, a board certified Family Physician, understands how critically important it is to protect kids from making poor decisions. In addition, his knowledge of attention-span disorders and depression adds a crucial dimension to his advice to parents.
Drug and Alcohol Prevention Research
When asked why he felt driven to write Preventing Addiction, he has said that many years ago it occurred to him that if addiction cannot be cured and most people with it even refuse to be treated, wouldn't it make sense to prevent addiction in the first place? Unfortunately nobody has provided drug prevention strategies for truly effective prevention, but recent scientific studies have the potential to show the way.
Dr. Fleming draws on all the dimensions of his life as a father, husband, doctor, and a man of faith to write a book to help and support parents, and ultimately, our whole society. Just as he "stepped up to the plate" to write this needed book, he hopes that parents will do the same and work diligently to prevent the ongoing tragedy that addiction has become for individuals, families, and communities across the country.